The Outsiders: Chapter 1-5 Review

So far I am enjoying the book quite a bit. It is intriguing because I am always wondering how the characters fit together. I am always wondering how Ponyboy fits in because he is so different than the rest of his Greaser gang. He is the one that enjoys sunsets and reading and is quite intelligent but he lives on the east side of town, the greaser side. He seems to fit in even though he is quite different than someone like Dally and I like that the author made him so different. I like that she made him different than the group but not so different that he no longer looked like he belonged. The author is good at describing the surroundings so you can get a nice clear picture in your head of the characters and what is going on around them.

One thought on “The Outsiders: Chapter 1-5 Review

  1. hey Becky! i really liked how you explained the chapters you where going through and why you liked them. Also it was very clear for me to read why you where enjoying the the book. one thing that i would point out that you could add is something you didn’t like. keep up the good work Becky!

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