A9 CC: The Majestic Emotions Representation

In class, we watched the movie The Majestic. We took notes during the film about the main character, the antagonist force, predictions, and other notes similar to that. After the movie, we distinguished 21 important events in the film that may have affected the plot. We associated each of these scenes with different emotions and drew it how we thought it should look. In my responses, when I refer to Luke, I am talking about Peter Appleton, who thinks he is Luke then. Every time I say, Luke Trimble; I mean the real Luke, who went missing during the war. This is a video of the movie trailer for The Majestic, the movie we wrote about.

Emotional Colour Wheel

  1. Movie Screening- Peter Appleton is at the premiere of his new film Sand Pirates of the Sahara. He is with his girlfriend, and he seems happy and content. I chose a light blue colour because the emotion was kind of chill and neutral as opposed to a vivid and bright colour to show intense emotion.  It is shaped differently than just a cloud because I wanted it to look kind of like a cloud, but I cut a piece out of it to show the memories he will forget shortly.
  2. Communism- Peter Appleton is on the set of his new movie, Ashes to Ashes. His producer confronts him saying that the FBI think he is a communist. They have evidence that he attended a Communist meeting when he was younger, and they could arrest him for that. The emotion I used for this scene was Scared. Peter would be afraid because he could get arrested and lose his career as a movie writer. I used an orange colour because when I think of being scared or alert, the colour orange fits. It is close to anger, which can stem from fear. There is also pieces missing from the shape to foreshadow the memories that he will lose.
  3. The Accident- Peter Appleton is stressed out about the FBI looking for him, so he goes out for a night of drinking. He got somewhat drunk and decided to go out for a casual drive. He is going across a bridge when he swerves to avoid running over a mouse. He ends up crashing into the bridge, but he can’t get out of the car because his jacket is stuck in the door. He tries to take his coat off, but his car becomes unbalanced and falls into the crashing river below. He bangs his head on a pillar and is washed away into the river. I used a dark maroon colour because he is frantic and probably panicking. The dark red makes sense because it is close to anger, but it is deeper than just anger, it is also a worried feeling. The shape has a piece missing because he will soon be losing his memories.
  4. Lawson Beach- Peter wakes up on a random beach to a dog licking his face. The dog belongs to an old man walking along the beach. The old man takes him into a town nearby called Lawson. The old man takes him around the town to eat and to meet some of the townspeople. The emotion that I used was confused because he doesn’t know who his is or how he got to this town.  I used a light off white colour to show that he is blank. White is a clean tone, and it makes you think of cluelessness and just an empty mind. He has no memory of his life; he is a blank slate. The shape is cut apart because he is missing all of his memories.
  5. Stranger- The old man from the beach brings Peter to the doctors office to get his injuries checked out. All of the people around town are wondering who this strange man is, and why he looks so familiar.  The emotion I used to describe this scene is unsure. Peter/Luke is unsure of who all of these people are, and if he belongs here or not. He is also unsure of who he is, so he is trusting all of these town people to show him who he is. I used an orange kind of yellow colour because that is the colour I felt when I was thinking of the word unsure. Similar to a traffic light, yellow is a colour that makes you unsure of whether you can make it through the light, or if you should slow down and stop. The shape, like all of the others, it looks cut up because his memory has been altered.
  6. Luke?- Another elderly man looks in the window at the doctor’s  and sees Peter and recognises him as his son Luke. His son Luke Trimble was MIA in World War II, so he wasn’t confirmed dead. Harry runs into the doctor’s office to reunite, but Peter/Luke doesn’t remember him at all. He tries to explain to Luke, who he is, but Luke doesn’t remember what happened. Harry takes Luke back to his house for coffee, and Luke falls asleep on the couch. The emotion I used for this scene was happy. Luke is happy now that he thinks he belongs in this place. Harry is also happy now that he thinks his son Luke Trimble is back from the war. I used the colour green because it is a light, pleasant tone. It is bright and like a traffic light, it means good things like go and just overall happiness.
  7. The Majestic– When Luke wakes up, he is introduced to the staff of The Majestic. The Majestic is an old movie theatre that Harry lives above. He used to run the movie theatre until it closed down and now it is just sitting there. The staff members Irene and Emmet. They both agreed with Harry that they should reopen The Majestic now that Luke is back. Luke agrees hesitantly after looking at the theater and discussing the pros and cons. They head over to the local cafe for lunch, and everyone remembers him as Luke Trimble. The emotion I used was doubt. Luke is questioning that they can realistically open an old movie theater because it had to fail for a reason. I used a violet purple colour because it is in between red and blue that represent anger, and doubt is a mix of both of those emotions.
  8. The Cafe- Harry takes Luke to the local cafe for lunch. When they arrive everyone is all over Luke, asking if he remembers them at all. Luke doesn’t remember at all, but he enjoys meeting all of these “new” people. He meets Bob, a man who went to war with Luke Trimble and came back without an arm. Bob shakes Lukes’ hand, and everyone goes silent. Bob suspects Luke isn’t who he says he is, even though the rest of the town is supporting him. Harry also tells everyone in the cafe that they are planning to reopen The Majestic. The emotion I chose for this scene was frustration. Luke is frustrated that Bob doesn’t believe he is Luke. I used a blue colour to show that he is sad. He is sad and frustrated because if someone doesn’t think he is Luke, then who is he?
  9. Adele- During lunch at the cafe, Luke Trimble’s girlfriend walks in. She thought he had finally returned from war after being gone for ten years. The entire cafe goes silent, and she asks if he remembers her at all. He says no, and they introduce themselves. They decide to go outside and get to know each other better, so they start to walk down the street and realize that most of the town are following them. She shows him all around Lawson, and secret places that she and Luke Trimble used to go to, to hide from others. Luke doesn’t remember any of the places, and that makes Adele slightly frustrated, but she also tries to get to know him again. The emotion I used for this was sad. Luke is worried that he can’t remember any of these amazing memories that he supposedly shared with Adele, and Adele is sad that Luke can’t remember any of these memories that she remembers. I Used a neutral blue colour because sad is a neutral, base emotion that others branch off of, so it would make sense to have a pure tone for a simple feeling.
  10. Hiccup, Hiccup- Adele and Luke are visiting an old lighthouse that she used to visit when she gets the hiccups. It looks like she is having trouble breathing, and Luke keeps asking what he can do to help. Adele refuses help and realizes that only Luke Trimble knows how to fix her hiccups. Luke refuses to stop asking until Adele kisses him on the lips, and the hiccups stop. Luke is concerned for Adele’s health, and Adele is concerned that she will embarrass herself in front of Luke. I used a neutral yellow colour to show, not a neutral emotion, but it isn’t a very advanced, rare feeling. It is hesitant, just like the traffic light.
  11. Welcome, Home Luke- The town of Lawson is so excited about Luke’s return they decide to throw a massive party for him. They have music and dancing, and Luke is in awe of all of the things they did just for him.  The emotion I used for this scene was amazed. Luke is amazed that the entire town is gathered together just to celebrate one man’s returning. I used a bright green colour because it is happy, and he is in a bright and excited mood. The shape doesn’t have precise shapes cut out of it, because at that moment, he forgets that he doesn’t have memories. He just enjoys the celebration like he would normally.
  12. Piano?- During the celebrations, Luke is invited on the stage at the front of the courtyard to play the piano. Luke Trimble’s old piano instructor thinks that if he can remember how to play the classical pieces she taught him, he might be able to gain some of his memories back. They sit on the piano bench together and she plays a little piece to demonstrate and then asks him to try. He plays a few notes but has no clue how to play the piece she showed him. After playing random keys for about a minute, Luke starts to get a rhythm, but it isn’t the tune they were expecting. He starts to play a song called the Boogie Woogie Stomp. Luke is overjoyed that he knows how to play the piano, but the teacher is disappointed that he is playing such a different song than she taught him. The people at the party are enjoying the tune until the teacher tells Luke to stop playing. The emotion Luke and the teacher are feeling is embarrassed. Luke is embarrassed that he can’t play the right song, and he is embarrassed when the teacher tells him to stop. The teacher is embarrassed that Luke doesn’t remember the skills that Luke Trimble had when he was younger. I used a pink, magenta colour because that’s the colour most people’s faces turn after they are embarrassed in front of a lot of people.
  13. Who are you really?- After the party, Luke is walking home, and he runs into Bob. He thinks it is just another friendly encounter until Bob asks who he is. He starts to interrogate Luke about his memories, and Luke tells him that he doesn’t remember. Bob low key threatens Luke  Bob eventually gets so mad that he punches Luke in the face.  The emotion I chose was anger. Both Luke and Bob are angry at one another about Luke not being who he thinks he is. Red is a very angry colour and it makes you feel aggravated so I chose bright red, for red hot anger.
  14. What? Really? Seriously?- The Majestic has it’s opening night, and they decide to show the movie Sand Pirates of the Sahara. Sand Pirates of the Sahara is the movie that Peter Appleton wrote. As Luke is watching the movie he starts to recall certain scenes and lines from the movie. Eventually, a line that Peter really remembers pops into his brain and he realizes that he isn’t actually Luke. Luke is actually Peter Appleton, a movie writer from Las Angeles. I used nervous to describe this scene because Peter is nervous about what all of the townspeople will think when they find out he isn’t Luke Trimble. It is a purple blue colour because he isn’t quite sad but he is almost there and he definitely isn’t on the other side of blue which is green for happy.
  15. Harry I…- During the movie, Harry is in charge of running the film through the projector. When he misses a reel change, the staff ( including Peter ) start to panic. They rush up to the projection room and find Harry on the floor. Harry is laying on the floor clutching his chest because he had just suffered a heart attack. The doctor was in the theatre for the movie and he brings Harry back home to his bed. Peter asks if they can take him to a hospital, and the doctor says they can’t do any better than the people in Lawson. Peter sits by Harry’s bed in his last moments, and Harry dies still believing that his son was back from the war. The emotion I used for this scene was worried. Peter is worried that Harry might die, and he is worried that he might accidentally let it slip that he isn’t Luke. The colour is orange because he isn’t quite angry, but he could be a bit irritated that his father figure just died.
  16. FBI- Peter tells Adele that he isn’t Luke and she runs away from him. The FBI also come to Lawson and confront Peter in front of the whole town about how he was supposedly hiding and how his is suspected of being a communist. The people of Lawson are confused about what the FBI was talking about until Peter explains to them that he isn’t the Luke they think he is. The FBI give him strict orders to be in court the next day or there will be consequences. The emotion I used was upset. Peter is upset that the town of Lawson doesn’t know who he is anymore, and he is upset that the FBI might arrest him and he could go to prison. The colour I used was bright red because he isn’t a sad upset, he is an angry upset.
  17. I Knew It- Peter is in the theatre playing piano in Lawson one last time. Emmet comes down and sees him playing the piano. Emmet approaches Peter to say goodbye one last time. Peter gives Emmett the keys to the majestic and tells him to take care of it. Emmett tells Peter that he knew he wasn’t Luke ever since he couldn’t play the classical tune on the piano. Emmett understands Peters situation and is sympathetic. The emotion I used was intrigued. Peter is intrigued about how Emmett knew he wasn’t Luke all along. It is green be jade Peter feels somewhat happy that atleast one person in Lawson doesn’t hate him or think that he lied.
  18.  The Agent- Peter’s agent wants to talk to Peter about the upcoming date in court. The agent explains to Peter that if he reads this list of names that the FBI already have, he will be set free and can go back to his old life. Peter doesn’t want to lie, but he also doesn’t want to end up in prison so he reluctantly agrees. The emotion I used was anxious. Peter is anxious about lying to the court, and he is scared that he might get caught lying to the authorities. The colour I used was a peach orange colour. I chose this shade because it is a colour we see often in everyday lives and anxiety is a feeling we experience in our everyday lives.
  19. Train, Book, Luke- While Peter is on the train back to Las Angeles, he opens up a small wrapped package that Adele gave to her father to give to Peter. It is a book about law and the constitution. Peter starts to read the book a little bit and then a note falls out. The note is from Luke Trimble to Adele. The note is Luke Trimble talking about how much he loves Adele and about the war. Peter realizes what he is doing by lying to the court and thinks about what Luke Trimble would have done in this situation. The emotion I used was astonished. Peter is astonished reading Luke Trimble’s letter and it is green because he is happy he has finally made a decision about what to do in court
  20. The Truth- Peter is in court and the prosecutor is questioning him about where he was while he had no memory. Peter answers the questions and his agent tells the judge to move along from irrelevant questions. The judge finally asks him why he attended the meeting, and Peter tells him the truth. He was there following a girl and he showed up to impress her. Peters agent is mad but Peter keeps explaining what happened. Eventually when people don’t believe him, he refers to the constitution. He talks about human rights and he talks about what Luke Trimble would do in this situation. The emotion I used was fixated. Peter is set on telling the jury the truth, and he will not do anything else, even if it means something bad happens to him. It is orange because he does get angry at some points, but he isn’t feeling mad, just fixated.
  21. Welcome, Home Peter- Peter heads straight back to Lawson after his court day and sent a telegram to Adele telling her that he will come back. He asked for her to wait for him on the train platform if she still has feelings for him. As the train pulls in to Lawson Station, the entire town is waiting for him with a banner that says welcome home Peter. Peter is thrilled be aide he knows he has a home here. Adele is waiting for Peter and they live happily ever after in the town of Lawson. Peter is thrilled here because he knows he has all of his friends to support him and help him create a new life for himself. The colour is a swampy green because dark green is the shade you get when you mix paint together in real life. Peter finally has a real life and I wanted to represent that with my colours.

4 thoughts on “A9 CC: The Majestic Emotions Representation

  1. I like how you have a crazy amount of detail! Detail is important when explaining a movie. I also like how at the beginning you described the assignment and how we took notes. I know I didn’t do this either but maybe put pictures of the colours beside your explanation so that the reader knows which colour you’re talking about without having to scroll back up to the top. Other than that I like it! 🙂

  2. Hi Becky,
    Brooke already mentioned how thorough you were in developing this blog post and I agree – you’ve added a lot of detail. It’s wonderful!

    Some Stars to celebrate in this work:
    – I liked to see (and so far you’re the only one who did) that you explained to your reader the things you watched for while you viewed the movie, like predictions and antagonizing forces.
    – You had such a unique way of arranging your colour choices in your image – why don’t you take a moment to explain that to your reader? I liked that you clumped colours together and I know there’s great meaning in it. Share that!
    – I also really appreciate the process that went into picking colours for you. In your last example, you just mention that the colour choice you represented is what you get in real life when you mix paint and this character is finally settling in to real life. What a great reason for your colour choice! A real reason. That’s cool to see!

    I wish…
    – for something so minor and tiny – that you will go back to underline the title of this longer text. Will you? 🙂
    – that one or two more of your colour choices were bright. None of your colours are really bright? Why is that? You have “happy” and “amazed”, which seem like vibrant emotions. It’s your own choice, of course, but I’m curious why none of the colours got to sparkly?

    You are going to have such a great experience in a fear years when you go back through this work all the way from Grade 9! I’m excited for you to be able to collect your work like this. I’m glad you’re enjoying it and making it your own!

    Ms. Waldner

  3. very good intro! also, excellent job explaining what each scene is about. i like how you described what the colours meant and why you chose them. is there anything you would like to change about your responses?

    – Good explanations
    – good use of vocabulary

    – talk about his feelings more

  4. You have so much content on this post and it is very well put together but I wish you could put some input on his feeling a little more XD

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